The generosity of the people of Lurgan has helped raise a staggering £10,000 for Northern Ireland Chest Heart and Stroke (NICHS). MACE began working with the charity in 2016 and donations from customers at MACE Victoria Street Lurgan have helped the store become the first in the retail franchise to reach this impressive fundraising milestone.
Store owner Anthony McDonald says, “I am incredibly proud of our customers who have been so supportive since we started fundraising for NICHS. The fact it is a local charity that works with local people is very important to them and they appreciate the work NICHS does in the Lurgan area. I would like to thank everyone who has given so generously over the past six years.”
Jackie Trainor, Director of Income Generation at Northern Ireland Chest Heart and Stroke adds; “We are so grateful for the ongoing generosity of MACE Victoria Street Lurgan customers. We deliver ten care services and programmes within the Lurgan area which include everything from post rehabilitation physical activity programmes and wellness sessions, to connecting people in similar situations and providing practical information and advice on living with a chest, heart or stroke illness. The support of MACE Victoria Street Lurgan customers over the years has meant local people have received the support and care that they deserve. We also provide health promotion programmes for local workplaces, schools, community organisations and groups as part of our ongoing commitment to preventing chest, heart and stroke conditions.”
“We would like to say a huge thank you to all MACE Victoria Street Lurgan customers for raising this fantastic sum of money as nearly 90% of our care and prevention services and research projects are funded exclusively by donations from the public. The generosity shown by MACE Victoria Street Lurgan customers is vital to the work we do, and this money will go a long way in helping support local people living with chest, heart and stroke conditions and their families.”