What is Gift Aid?
You could make your donation to NICHS worth even more!
Gift Aid is a scheme that allows charities to reclaim tax on a donation made by a UK taxpayer, which means your donations will be worth 25% more to us at no extra cost to you.
If you Gift Aid your donations we can claim back from the government 25p for every £1 you donate.
This additional income really does make a big difference, so please don't forget to Gift Aid donations if you are a UK taxpayer - whether you are making a cash donation, setting up a regular gift, or asking friends and family to sponsor you in an event.

Thanks to our supporters signing up to the Gift Aid Scheme we can annually raise an additional £90,000 or even more, helping us fund local research as well as a wide range of services for people living with or at risk of chest, heart and stroke conditions.
Watch this quick video where money saving expert Martin Lewis explains why everyone should ‘say yes’ to Gift Aid on charity donations!
How it works:
Under the Gift Aid scheme, if you are a UK taxpayer, the Government allows charities to reclaim 25p of every pound you give – and it doesn’t cost you an extra penny! With your permission, NICHS can reclaim this tax on your behalf.
Once you’ve read the Gift Aid statement and are happy you can comply with it, simply tick the Gift Aid box if you are completing an online form to say you agree that NICHS can reclaim tax for you. If you’d prefer to complete a paper version of our Gift Aid Declaration form and post it into our office, you can download a pdf version by clicking the button below.
If you’d like to find out how much more your donation would be if it was Gift Aided, just use the calculator below.
Gift Aid Calculator
What we need to claim Gift Aid:
- Your full name and home address.
- The donation amount you are giving.
- We can't claim Gift Aid on donations from company accounts. The donation must be your own money and not the proceeds of a collection.
- For you to confirm you pay enough income tax or capital gains tax which at least equals the amount NICHS and other charities and community amateur sports clubs will claim in the appropriate tax year (6 April one year to 5 April the next). This is currently 25p for every £1 you give.
- Using the Declaration form, we can claim Gift Aid on all your donations in the last 4 years and all future donations.
- Once you have become a Gift Aid donor, please let us know if you stop paying tax or if you change your name/address so that we can update our records.