Well Mind is a workshop which focuses on recognising the triggers of stress and the impact that it can have on your employees. The session will enable employees to understand how stress can be managed in a positive way, using tools such as breathing techniques, reframing and mindfulness.
Reducing stress can have a positive benefit to your overall health and well-being.
Well Mind BrochureDownload pdf
Topics covered include:
- Understanding stress and it's triggers
- The impact of stress on our body, both physically and emotionally
- Using healthy coping behaviours, including
- Breathing techniques
- Reframing
- Mindfulness
- Digital toolkit, including support information and resources
- Access to relaxation audio files
- Group activities, videos and individual tasks
Delivery can be tailored to suit your organisation on request.
“I cannot recommend enough! Definitely changed how I will react in situations. Eye opening.”
“I would recommend Well Mind to any organisation to help staff manage stress and learn more about healthy living!”