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Red Dress Fun Run Postponed due to weather - New Date Sunday 30th March 2025
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Support as
you Shop

Did you know that whenever you buy anything online – from your weekly shop to your annual holiday – you could be raising free donations for our work? 

Donate through EasyFundraising

Easyfundraising is the UK’s biggest charity shopping site. It has over 2 million supporters and has generated more than £42 million for charity. With over 7,000 of the UK’s favourite brands, including Marks & Spencer, ASOS, Ebay, Amazon and lots more - your everyday shopping could help generate donations for NI Chest Heart & Stroke.

How? Every time you shop Easyfundraising will donate to us if you shop through their website.

Because Easyfundraising partners with the UK’s top brands who donate part of what you spend, it won't cost you any extra. The cost is covered by the brand. To start generating donations you need to sign up to Easy Fundraising, select where you want to shop and browse as normal. There’s a useful video on Easyfundraising’s website which explains how it all works.

Plus, once you've raised your first £5, Easyfundraising will match it!

How to donate through ‘Easy Fundraising'

Easyfundraising website sticker
  1. Click here to sign up to Easy Fundraising.
  2. Search for Northern Ireland Chest Heart & Stroke and select us as your chosen charity.
  3. Browse for the store you want to shop with, click ‘shop now’ to go to their website and then start shopping as normal. Easyfundraising will do the rest and will even let you know how much your purchases have raised.

Plus, Download the easyfundraising App so you can generate donations while online shopping on your smartphone.

You can also click here to register your business with easyfundraising to support us through your everyday business purchases.

Watch this simple video that explains how EasyFundraisng works in 60 seconds!

  • At least 80p in every £1 raised or donated is spent delivering our life-changing care and prevention services, as well as funding local research into these illnesses.

    How does NICHS spend donations?

    Thanks to our loyal supporters we raised more than £3.35 Million last year to support our programmes across Northern Ireland.

    £1.39 Million was spent on delivering our care support programmes, £576k was spent on delivering our prevention programmes and £736k on local research into chest, heart and stroke related conditions.

    In other words, for every £1 raised, around 80p, went directly to funding our care and prevention programmes as well as research to help fight chest, heart and stroke conditions.

    How you can help

    Over 335,000 people in Northern Ireland are living with chest, heart and stroke conditions, and these illnesses are responsible for 37% of all adult deaths every year. That's almost 6,000 people. Every day across Northern Ireland 11 people will suffer a stroke and 17 will have a heart attack.

    With your support we are able to continue our vital care and prevention work across the community, caring for people who are living with chest, heart and stroke conditions and helping prevent people becoming ill in the first place.

    Support us today and help us lead the fight against chest, heart and stroke illnesses across Northern Ireland.


  • Gift Aid is a scheme that allows charities to reclaim tax on donations made by UK taxpayers.

    The scheme allows us to reclaim 25% on qualifying donations and the additional income makes a big difference – enough to fund a local research project.

    So please consider gift aiding your donations if you are a UK taxpayer.

    Click here to find out more.

  • If you would like any further help, or have any questions, please contact Supporter Care on 028 9026 6743 or

  • The work that we do is only possible because of the generous donations that we receive from our supporters. You are very important to us. Thank you so much for helping us in the care and prevention of chest, heart and stroke illnesses across Northern Ireland.

    When you make a donation to Northern Ireland Chest Heart and Stroke, we promise that :

    • Your donation will be used wisely, responsibly and for the purpose given.
    • If a donation is made for a specific purpose we will honour that request.
    • We will safeguard your personal information in line with Data Protection principles.
    • We will communicate with you in accordance with your wishes.
    • Queries or complaints will be responded to as quickly as possible.
    • Administration costs will be kept to a minimum.
    • Your support will be acknowledged and we will keep you updated about how you are helping people who suffer from chest, heart or stroke illnesses.
    • Fundraisers will respect you as a donor and will be transparent in their dealings with you at all times.
    • Fundraisers will work to the highest professional standards and will adhere to the practices and guidelines as directed by the Institute of Fundraising.
    • Where donations are solicited indirectly, i.e. by 3rd party agencies, we recognise that donors have the right to request information about them.

    If you have any questions, please contact Supporter Care on 028 9026 6743 or