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ID:290991 Total:10
ID:290991 Total:5
Quiz night in memory of Martyn

Quiz night in memory of Martyn

Created by Lucy Laverty
Quiz night in memory of Martyn
£20 raised of £500 goal + £5 Gift Aid
Date: 15/09/22 - 15/09/22
Target: £500
Location: Railway Arms, Coleraine


Martyn's family would like to raise money towards 'Chest, Heart and Stroke NI' in memory of Martyn, son, brother, uncle, friend. A quiz night will be held in the Railway Arms, Coleraine on Thursday 15th September. Entry £3 per head, event begins at 7.45pm. Buffet snacks provided during halfway quiz break. Raffle tickets will be offered with great prizes including Halloween themed items, Martyn's favourite time of the year. All welcome!
£20.00 raised of £500 goal + £5 Gift Aid


3 Supporters

  • Lucy
    £5.00 + £1.25 Gift Aid
    Sadly missed and loved by all who knew him <3
  • Trish Roulston (nee Robinson)
    £10.00 + £2.50 Gift Aid
    So sorry to hear about Duffy’s passing.
  • John McIntyre
    £5.00 + £1.25 Gift Aid