What is Chester's Active Breaks?
Chester’s Active Breaks is a new ten-week programme for primary schools across Northern Ireland, with the pilot beginning this Autumn term. The project has been funded by the Magill Family Charitable Trust and is free of charge.
The programme challenges schools and pupils to take part in 2-3 active breaks (the majority 2-5 minutes in length) throughout the school day.
Schools who complete the challenge will go into a draw for three £100 vouchers for physical activity equipment for their school.
Why take part?
- You are investing in young people's health and well-being. Did you know we should move for 5-10 mins every hour? This helps reduce the risk of obesity, poor cardiovascular and mental health.
- It can improve pupils concentration and performance in class.
- For those schools who complete Chester's Active Breaks you will receive an award and certificate and you will be entered into the prize draw.
- We will publicly promote your school with your permission as a school investing in your pupils health and well-being.

What will you receive as part of Chester's Active Breaks?
- Recorded teacher introduction to Chester's: Active Breaks
- Online teacher guide
- Active break lesson plans/activity sheets for foundation, Key stage 1 and 2
- Chill with Chester - calming exercises using mindfulness
- Brain Breaks - be creative and curious
- Lively Lessons - integrates movement into everyday lessons
- Cardio boost - gets pupils hearts pumping
- Monkey Madness - activities and games in pairs/groups/classes
- Weekly class quest
- Class of the week trophy