Ursula Ferguson is our Director of Care Services. She joined the organisation in May 2022. Her career started in Health and Social Care over 30 years ago as a care worker within a residential setting for the elderly. Having then spent several years as the registered manager for a residential home she then went on to study at Queens University Belfast and practised as a person centered counsellor. Ursula has developed specialised counselling services for blind and partially sighted people in Northern Ireland and more recently for stroke survivors and their carers. Ursula has held various senior management roles requiring her to work across and with statutory, community, primary care and 3rd sector providers to deliver programmes and services for beneficiaries across the province. Ursula has managed a number of large multi-disciplinary teams and has a particular interest in service development. Recently Ursula completed a four-year term as a Trustee for a medium sized charity.

Ursula Ferguson
Director of Care Services